TV Licensing Excuses 2016 | Abducted by Aliens - Middlesex University

TV Licencing Excuses

TV Licensing Excuses 2016 | Abducted by Aliens - Middlesex University

Winners of the TV Licencing 'Real Excuses' Competition

Winners of the TV Licencing 'Real Excuses' Competition

The competition brief called for animated films bringing to life some of the most bizarre excuses television viewers have given for not paying their UK TV licence fee. 

“The Judges’ Award winner from the Middlesex students showed exceptional craft, alongside a strong eye for performance, and the subtle touches and attention to detail that mark out a team destined for great things in their future in animation,” said head judge Charlie Mawer, Executive Creative Director at Red Bee Media.

(Image) Middlesex Students Kyle Cunningham, Nicole Smith, Adara Todd and Ida Melum.

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